Telugu superstar Allu Arjun broke his silence on Saturday morning after being released from jail in connection with the stampede incident at a Hyderabad theatre screening Pushpa 2. The tragedy, which occurred earlier this month, claimed the life of a woman and left her son critically injured. Arjun had been arrested on Friday after returning from the success meet of Pushpa 2 in Delhi.
Actor Expresses Condolences and Vows Support Accompanied by his father Allu Aravind and father-in-law Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy, Allu Arjun exited the jail through the back gate and addressed the media. In his first statement since the arrest, he said:
“I would like to first thank everybody for their immense love and support. I thank my fans. I am well; there is nothing to worry. I am a law-abiding citizen, I respect the law, I will cooperate with them, and do the needful. I would like to give my condolences to the family. It is very unfortunate—we went to watch a movie, and due to an unfortunate incident, we lost a person. It was totally out of my personal control.”
He further added, “I have been going to watch my films for the last 20 years; I have been there 30 times. I will be there to support the family in whatever possible way. I know we can never cover the loss, but I will be doing what I can. I thank everyone for the support.”
VIDEO | "I would like to first thank everybody for their immense love and support. I thank my fans. I am well, there is nothing to worry. I am a law abiding citizen, I respect the law, I will cooperate with them, and do the needful. I would like to give my condolences to the… — Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) December 14, 2024
Legal Battle and Controversy Allu Arjun’s lawyer, Ashok Reddy, described the arrest as “illegal detention,” alleging that jail authorities delayed his release despite receiving the Telangana High Court’s interim bail order on Friday.
“They received an order copy from the High Court, but despite that, they didn’t release him,” Reddy stated. “This is an illegal detention. We will take legal action. As of now, he has been released.”
Arjun had been remanded to 14-day judicial custody by a lower court, but the Telangana High Court granted him interim bail, citing his right to liberty. The court also noted, “He couldn’t be detained just because he’s an actor… he cannot be held like this.” Background of the Incident The stampede occurred on December 4 at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre during an unscheduled visit by Allu Arjun. The actor’s surprise appearance reportedly caused chaos as no prior intimation was given to the police or the theatre management. The theatre owner, general manager, and security manager were arrested days later for inadequate crowd control measures.
The victim’s husband filed a complaint, leading to charges against Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management. Authorities emphasized the lack of additional provisions for managing the crowd, which ultimately resulted in the tragic loss of life.
Also Read: Allu Arjun walks free after spending a night in jail in Hyderabad stampede case
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